i hope i do, too.
i hope i do, too.
sounds about right for flash animation. :)
that was neato. reminds me of something i would do. the compression harshes the ambient vibe a little, pushing down and releasing too quickly on that delicate, heavy-midrange atmosphere. if you want, the bass could work on some higher frequencies either by using saturation, doubling it up with a higher-frequency sine wave, or using a harmonic generator like waves rbass. as it is now, it's quite tough to follow on flat-response or limited-range systems.
exciting. the compression is too much. ;)
that was pretty incredible. that breakdown reminds me of one of my favorite artists. very romantic.
well that was incredible
very cinematic. definitely a cool string library. if you are using physical modelling, it could be advantageous to automate the bow pressure of the strings.
Thank you for the advice, i'm gonna keep it in mind ^^
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